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A service that helps you to ship items internationally

Ship globally with ezShip with 3 simple steps

Step 1

Shop from any China sites, and ship to our warehouse

Step 2

Submit your tracking number via ezbuy

Step 3

Pay for your ezShip shipment, and collect your parcels

Reasons to choose ezShip ?

Lowest shipping

From Only RM3.90/500g

Sensitive shipping available for ezShip

For customs sensitive items restricted by normal transportation


Combine your ezShip parcels and ship with single payment


Have your parcels deliver right to your door step

Shipping Fees Calculator

Other Value-Added Services

Up to 20 days free storage

20 days of free storage for orders below 20kg and 7 days for orders above 20kg so you can consolidate your parcels and not worry about additional charges within the time frame.

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